About Hunter Lassal

by Little Hunterman

A few years back, my Lassal-human morphed from a busy storyboard artist into a scribbling biographer of a sweet, wimpy fearless, and utterly worried cool little BIG Parson Russell terrier, Hunterman (yay, that’s totally me!), and a nerdy rubber duck, Flynn.

Together we write as HUNTER LASSAL to share the mostest fantastically illustrated wees with my animal comrades and human friends.
We’d be totally thrilled if you’d join our little family.

Bring your human too, if you like…
… and maybe a croissant or two?! 

Why subscribe to Little Hunterman?

Subscribe to get full access to our stuff—including our fantastically safe comrades-chat as well as wee-archives of serialized doggie book chapters (and the behind-the-scenes human chaos that seems to be necessary to make those illustrated doggie book chapters happen.)

Stay on top of thingies

Never miss an update-wee. Every new wee is sent directly to your wee-mail inbox-place. For a fantastically spam-wee-free, ad-wee-free reading experience, plus occasional video- & audio-wees, and all of the fantastical community wee-back features, get the Substack app-thingy. Yay!

Join the family

Be part of a group of amazing human friends and animal comrades who share nose nudges, fun stuff, and walkies—because none of us likes to be alone, no matter where on this Earth-ball we live.

Get my newest wee-mails. Send me wee-mails back. Or, if you are totally coolest, you could help me out with a paid subscription. This way you’ll not only be able to join in our fun online chat AND get extra wees—I would also totally love you FOREVER!
I really mean it.

Each paid subscription pays for one of those fresh mint teas that my Lassal-human drinks in my mostest favorite doggie-friendly coffee-shop-place: The one with the BIG HUGE windows that allow me to observe everything that happens outside without having to get into the danger zone.
I really would sososo love to go there more often.

Unsuspecting doggie, daydreaming …

Your BIG friend,
little (very hopeful) Hunterman

… and then THIS happens!

Doggie WEE-ctionary

Flynn accuses me of weeing in a funny way. I hope you don’t mind. It’s a doggie thingy.
Here are some explanations, though:

  • wee-archives = post archives

  • thingies = things

  • wee = a post, a comment, sometimes also an abbreviation for wee-mail

  • Earth-ball = world

  • wee-mail = doggie email

  • coolest = abbreviation for “very much totally extra cool”

I also use an amazing amount of exclamation marks. After all, I’m a little terrier.

Subscribe to Hunter Lassal & Hunterman

1-2-3-WEE by Little Hunterman – is for people who (occasionally) need the help of a dog to handle their lives, loves, and fellow humans.


(Burned-out) artist – relying on a dog's perspective to reframe the world around me.